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Progress to Date


This page is dedicated to sharing important updates on progress as well as a summary of community feedback that we received along the way.


December 2020 Update

Online Workshop with City Councilors and Planning Commissioners- November 18, 2020 at 6 PM

Hosted online by the City of Gallatin Planning Department, this workshop provided an opportunity for the City Council and Planning Commission to review and discuss a general framework for developing the land use policy and design guidelines that will be incorporated into the PlanGallatin document. This informational workshop served as a foundation for ongoing conversations with Councilors and Commissioners as elements of the plan are drafted.


PlanGallatin Drafting is Underway!

The City of Gallatin Planning Department is engaged with regional planners from the Greater Nashville Regional Council to 1) synthesize all the public input received so far in the PlanGallatin process, 2) continue discussions with City of Gallatin Department Heads to understand their goals and needs, and 3) to create a cohesive first draft of the PlanGallatin document.

Emerging Themes

You spoke, we listened! Over the last year the City has held several public events to engage area residents, businesses, and workers in a conversation about Gallatin's future. In addition, more than 1200 individuals have completed online surveys to share their expectations for the growth of the city.  The following six themes, or general expectations, have emerged from this input. 


  1. Planned Growth

  2. Safe & Efficient Transportation Options

  3. Economic Opportunity

  4. Natural Beauty

  5. Community Character

  6. Defining Spaces

Community Input Map

The interactive map displays comments received from members of the public and interested stakeholders at the community events held to date. Each pin point represents a individual comment, simply select a point to view the corresponding comment. 

Mapping Station FEEDBACK

Click to open map in a new window.

Related Links and Technical Documentation


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