It is our goal to reach as many people as possible and gather feedback to develop Portland's Comprehensive Plan. Get Involved! Participate in a community meeting, submit your comments via this website, or stay connected on social media. You can also request an in-person meeting or presentation for your neighborhood or civic group meeting.
Attend an Event
We will be holding events to provide an opportunity for residents and stakeholders to participate. View upcoming opportunities to participate in a community meeting.
Share Your Experiences
Preserving Portland is first and foremost an opportunity for each resident and interested stakeholder to share with local leadership their opinions and expectations for how the city should grow. Throughout the effort, we will be conducting various surveys and polls to take the pulse of the community. Read on below for those available opportunities, and check back frequently to find more.
Learn about Your City
It is important to understand the dynamics of the city today in order to plan for the future. Learn about the City of Portland's demographics, population trends, land-use changes, and more by visiting the interactive online mapping portal. Browse existing planning documents on the City's planning and zoning department website at
We'd love to see you at our next event!